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 Do It Yourself Vin Etching Kits

At Low Discount Prices That Are Easy To Use
And Could Save You 3% to 15% On Your Auto Insurance


Vin Etching

VIN Etching Kits Starting At Only $15.45
 For One Car And Only $4.99 For Each Additional Car

Also Do-It-Yourself Kits For THREE Cars at Only $15.45 Complete Kit

What Is VIN Etching And How Can It Help Protect Your Car From
Being Stolen and Save You Money On Insurance?


What is VIN Etching?  It is simply using the VIN Etching Kit shown below and putting your car's VIN Number (Vehicle Identification Number) which is found in the Windshield area on the Drivers side of every car, on all of your glass windows in the vehicle.  It takes only minutes and you or any one in your family over grade school age can do it in about 15 minutes. You can do two or three other cars at the same time easily.

This Etched VIN number then permanently identifies all of the glass windows in this car with the vehicle and makes it Very Hard for thieves to sell your car to a "chop shop" or get rid of it by selling it to a third party, because the thief would usually have to replace all of the windows to do this and they don't have the time, money or want the possibility of being caught.  So they simply move on to another car and leave yours alone.  Police Departments and Insurance companies have all kinds of statistics showing that VIN Etching Reduces Car Theft by as much as 65% to 97% (Depending on what part of the country and on whom did the survey).  In any event it is Definitely Proven that VIN Etching drastically reduces the chances of having your car stolen. The same statistics also Prove that cars actually stolen that have VIN Etching are Recovered 60% to 85% more often and returned to their owners than non VIN Etched cars. Since this is all True and can easily be proven by very accurate statistics complied by several different agencies the insurance industry wants you to protect your car with VIN Etching. In most cases they will give you a reduction on your insurance premiums of 3% to 15% depending on which insurance company you are working with and where your car is located.  You will need to check on this if you are interested in saving money...and most of the time you will SAVE More Money by far than the small amount you pay for your VIN Etching Kit. You will find in your Kit a Certificate which you can send to your insurance company to show that you have etched your vehicle's windows so that you qualify for any discounts they may have. This makes it very simple to do in just minutes.

There you have it in Condensed version.  There are TONS of information and statistics on this subject but they all boil down to one thing that is certain:  VIN Etching Works!  It definitely slows down the theft of Cars by really serious percentages. The recovery of cars that are stolen is 60% to 85%.  Don't you want this kind of protection?

Right now is the time to do it.  It is quick and very easy to do and best of all our VIN Etching Kits are on SPECIAL TODAY!  So think it through.  You can probably SAVE MUCH MORE on your insurance premium by far than this inexpensive little kit will cost you and you will GREATLY REDUCE the chances that your cars will ever be stolen.  This is one of the BEST INVESTMENTS You can possibly make so why not click down on the kits and order one today?  The Kits come with complete instructions and almost anyone can etch the car windows in minutes.  Now is the time to act while the kits are on Special and you are thinking about it.

Check Out Vin-Etching FAQ

Vin-Etching Steps Found Here!

Today's Special Prices on VIN Etching Kits

Premium VIN Etching Kit

Premium Vin Etching Kit 1-1/4 oz. Bottle Etchall® Etching Cream W/ Applicator Brush
8-Stencils with YOUR VIN Number Imprinted On Each Stencil By Us
2-Warning Decals so Thieves Know Your Car is Protected
1-Rubber Glove for Etching Hand
1-Sponge for Clean Up
1-Alcohol Wipe Packet for Cleaning Glass
1-Insurance Certificate for Your Premium Refund
1-Set of Complete Instructions

Note: For Each Additional Car you get 8 more imprinted stencils, 1Insurance Certificates,

1 alcohol wipe packet and 2 more Warning Decals.
At only $4.99 per car.  For Four or More cars we supply extra etching cream.

$15.45 + $11.00 Shipping and Handling

Order Below

Multiple Cars For $4.99 - Important Information

If you are taking advantage of our multiple cars for $4.99 each deal, please enter the first VIN number in the box below, followed by 2 hyphens ( -- ), then the second VIN number, followed by 2 hyphens, etc.

Example: 3REE453FF553GV567 -- DDF44466FFG532663 ......

Please Enter Your Email


Please Enter Your Name


Please Enter Your VIN Number



NOTE: We need to collect your Name, Email Address, and VIN number from you in order to prepare your stencils.

Do-It-Yourself VIN Etching Kit

DIY Vin Etching Kit 24-Etching Stencils BLANK (You Type in the VIN numbers with any standard Typewriter...just takes a couple of minutes...yet SAVES YOU Money)
1-1/4 oz. Bottle
Etchall® Etching Cream W/ Applicator (Enough For 3 cars)
6-Warning Decals so Thieves Know Your Car is Protected
1-Rubber Glove for Etching Hand
1-Sponge for Clean Up
3-Alcohol Wipe Packet for Cleaning Glass.
3-Sets of Insurance Certificates for Your Premium Refund
1-Set of Complete Instructions

NOTE: Stencils with Your VIN Number Are NOT Included In This Kit.
You Will Need to Make Your Own Stencils with a Regular Typewriter

$15.45 + $11.00 Shipping and Handling


Do-It-Yourself kits require you to make your own stencils.
This can be done with a Regular Typewriter. 

Our New Glass Etching Kits Let You Put Your Artwork On Glass In Minutes.

Permanently Mark Your Drivers License Number on All of Your Metal Tools, Including Multi-Tools and Leatherman Tools Using the Etch-O-Matic.

Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Skin and eye irritant. Avoid contact with skin. For skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water for 5 minutes. Wear protective gloves. Avoid eye contact. In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with tap water for 15 minutes. If swallowed, rinse mouth with water and drink milk or Milk of Magnesia. Do not induce vomiting. Get prompt medical attention. Active ingredient 20% Ammonium Bifluoride. Inert ingredients 80%.